Cleanup Failed Credential Tasks in VMware Cloud Foundation

I’ve covered how to clean up general failed tasks in Cleanup Failed Credentials Tasks in VMware Cloud Foundation in a previous post. Another type of task that can be in a failed state is a credentials rotation operation. Credential operations can fail for a number of reasons (the underlying component is unreachable at the time of the operation etc), and this type of failed task is a blocking task – i.e. you cannot perform another credential task until you clean up or cancel the failed task. The script below leverages the PowerVCF cmdlet Get-VCFCredentialTask to discover failed credential tasks and Stop-VCFCredentialTask to clean them up. As with all scripts, please test thoroughly in a lab before using it in production.

# Script to cleanup failed credential tasks in SDDC Manager
# Written by Brian O'Connell – Staff II Solutions Architect @ VMware
#User Variables
# SDDC Manager FQDN. This is the target that is queried for failed tasks
$sddcManagerFQDN = ""
# SDDC Manager API User. This is the user that is used to query for failed tasks. Must have the SDDC Manager ADMIN role
$sddcManagerAPIUser = "administrator@vsphere.local"
$sddcManagerAPIPassword = "VMw@re1!"
# Set TLS to 1.2 to avoid certificate mismatch errors
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Install PowerVCF if not already installed
if (!(Get-InstalledModule -name PowerVCF -MinimumVersion 2.4.0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Install-Module -Name PowerVCF -MinimumVersion 2.4.0 -Force
# Request a VCF Token using PowerVCF
Request-VCFToken -fqdn $sddcManagerFQDN -username $sddcManagerAPIUser -password $sddcManagerAPIPassword
# Retrieve a list of failed tasks
$failedTaskIDs = @()
$ids = (Get-VCFCredentialTask -status "Failed").id
Foreach ($id in $ids) {
$failedTaskIDs += ,$id
# Cleanup the failed tasks
Foreach ($taskID in $failedTaskIDs) {
Stop-VCFCredentialTask -id $taskID
# Verify the task was deleted
Try {
$verifyTaskDeleted = (Get-VCFCredentialTask -id $taskID)
if (!$verifyTaskDeleted) {
Write-Output "Task ID $taskID Deleted Successfully"
catch {
Write-Error "Something went wrong. Please check your SDDC Manager state"

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